Friday 25 January 2013

Squash & Stretch Rubber Ball

Rubber Ball

This rubber ball is animated to squash and stretch when it is bouncing.This ball is created by grouping itself twice. The two group are respectively named, translate ball gp and rotation ball gp. In order for the ball to be able to squash and stretch, Maya allows me to create a deformer. Under the animation tab, there is a create deformer option. In the option, selecting the non-linear followed by the squash option. A squash handle will be form within my rubber ball. By changing its factor within the range of -1 to 1. a squash and stretch effect will be made. To make the ball look more realistic, the 
Frame 1
Frame 12
Frame 16
Frame 20
Frame 37
Frame 40
Frame 44
Frame 62
Frame 67

Click the link to view the rubber ball in action:

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