Sunday 4 November 2012

Block Modeling

My Building Blocks

 This building blocks are mostly made from primitive shapes. The rectangle block is made using a cube and change the dimensions to width 3.8, height 7.6 and depth 15.2.  Afterwards, I entered to the edge mood and chose all the sides of the block to bevel.

The triangle block is made using a duplicate of the the rectangle block and by using the edge loop tool under the Select menu. I switch to Vertex mood and went into the side view to move the corners of the rectangle down to made a triangle. Last, but not least, I beveled is. 

The triangle block with a curved cutout is made by duplicating the triangle block and used a cylinder after I aligned the cylinder properly, I Difference the two shaped and the block is done. 

For the square ad cylinder and all made by primitive shape and change the dimension. 

Through This exercise,I had learnt how to bevel and how to using the boolean, difference function.

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